
Executive Vice President; President, PIRG

Started on staff: 1992
B.S., magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa, Williams College
As president of PIRG, Faye is a leading voice for consumer protection and public health in the United States. She has been quoted in major news outlets, including CBS News and the Washington Post, about issues ranging from getting toxic chemicals out of children’s products to protecting Americans from predatory lending practices. Faye also serves as the executive vice president for The Public Interest Network, which PIRG founded. Faye began her public interest career as a student volunteer with MASSPIRG Students at Williams College. After graduating in 1992, she began working with the Student PIRGs in California as a campus organizer and organizing director, working on campaigns to help students register to vote and to promote recycling. She lives in Denver with her family.

We’re working to build an organization for the long haul

Posts by Faye Park
Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

A resolute dedication to democratic ideals coupled with the wisdom to recognize how and when to see the task through to completion: Advocates for all causes would do well to emulate the qualities that made Justice Ginsburg a truly historic figure. We offer our condolences to her children and grandchildren. The country she worked so hard to improve will miss her.

Media Releases  

John Lewis, 1940-2020

John Lewis, 1940-2020

John Lewis was an American hero. Most people knew him as a champion of civil rights, whether as a young man marching for freedom on the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma in 1965 or serving as the “conscience of the Congress” for the past 33 years. Yet John Lewis was also a dependable ally on public interest issues, a tenacious advocate of voting reform and open government, consumer protection and a healthy environment.

Media Releases  

Black Lives Matter.

Black Lives Matter.

We're contributing to an Emergency Fund for Community Action

Responding to the COVID crisis


Responding to the COVID crisis

U.S. PIRG and our sister 501(c)(3) group, U.S. PIRG Education Fund, have redirected our staff to respond to the novel coronavirus crisis.

Trump administration’s “Dirty Power Plan” promotes outdated fuel sources over Americans’ health

Trump administration’s “Dirty Power Plan” promotes outdated fuel sources over Americans’ health

Today, the Trump administration unveiled what critics are calling the “Dirty Power Plan,” which eliminates federal limits on planet-warming power plant pollution, ceding regulatory responsibility to the states, most of which have significantly less stringent policies. This shirking of federal responsibility will likely lead to increased air pollution, and more health issues for tens of millions of Americans.

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